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Shoulder dislocation

A dislocation of the shoulder joint, or shoulder dislocation, usually occurs due to an accident and requires immediate treatment.

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Shoulder dislocation, commonly known as shoulder luxation, refers to the displacement of the upper arm bone (humerus) from its normal position within the shoulder joint socket (glenoid). This can occur due to trauma or injury, such as a fall or a sudden impact. Treatment typically involves reducing the dislocation by manipulating the arm back into its proper position, followed by immobilization and rehabilitation to prevent recurrence and restore strength and mobility to the shoulder.



The diagnosis of a shoulder dislocation (dislocated shoulder) is typically made through a clinical examination and imaging techniques.

Imaging techniques such as X-rays or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can help determine the exact degree of the dislocation and any accompanying injuries such as fractures or soft tissue damage. These diagnostic tests are important for determining the best treatment approach and avoiding complications.


Treatment for shoulder dislocation typically involves closed reduction, immobilization, physical therapy, possible surgery, and rehabilitation. Following the treatment plan closely is crucial for optimal recovery and to prevent recurrence.

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